

Batahola Prayer

Friends of Batahola stands in solidarity with the women, men and children at the Cultural Center of Batahola Norte.

Batahola Prayer

Our Father and Mother, we ask for each of us that you give us strength to serve our neighbor, giving our life with the faith, love and joy that is in our heart.

Don’t give me riches, nor greatness; allow us to be workers who partake of the fruits, leaving behind our comfort zone so that together we can strive for social justice.

Feed our spirit so that it may flower and grow.

Fill my cup so that I may share with others. Teach me to feel what they feel; help me to strengthen my humility to see their needs and accompany them in finding their inner peace; only then will they feel free and full of spirit in their heart.

Although in my path there may be stones, although strong walls be built, give me your strength to help, forming and transforming new lives for the community.

Let us live from day to day without worrying about tomorrow; God is our strength, rock, shelter and salvation.

From our founders’ legacy we take strength every day, to live in common-unity, giving our best; let’s keep alive the light of faith and hope.

Let us risk ourselves as instruments of transformation of people and of society, to build a more just world, with equality and without violence.


Prayer was developed by staff members of the CCBN who participated in the spiritual retreat with Friends of Batahola, Sunday, February 23, 2014

Prayer Intentions

  • For our students, that they feel supported and enriched by their participation at the Center.
  • For our children and young people, that they find a safe space and caring environment at the Center and in their families.
  • For the health and support of our teachers, that they are able to communicate their passion for education as they walk alongside their students.
  • For the strength of our staff, that they continue to lead the community in paths of justice and transformation.
  • For our artists, that they bless their audiences with their talents.
  • For our community, that they continue to be open to all that the Center has to share with them.
  • For our volunteers, that they learn and grow as they share their gifts and accompany the community of Batahola.
  • For our visitors, that they are inspired by our work to get involved in the struggle for justice.
  • For Nicaragua, that its leaders and people find constructive solutions to the challenges of poverty, violence and education.
  • For those of us in the United States, that we grow in awareness of our Nicaraguan sisters and brothers in Christ and the impact we can have on them.